FarmVille Pink Pegacorn | FarmVille Single Unicorn | FarmVille Valentine Unicorn | FarmVille Romance Horse |
FarmVille Pink Pegacorn Foal | FarmVille Single Unicorn Foal | FarmVille Valentine Unicorn Foal | FarmVille Romance Foal |
14 ene 2012
Unicornios y Caballoa Ineditos Para Febrero
No tienen fecha de lanzamiento,,pero se esperan muy pronto.
13 ene 2012
NUEVO! Aviary invierno y corrales para el ganado
Parece que podemos esperar dos edificios nuevos hábitat de los animales en el estilo de la Granja de invierno. El aviario se espera que incluya un pollo de nieve a la conclusión y la pluma de Ganadería se espera que con un cerdo copo de nieve.
¿Por qué construir estas? Bueno ... Usted no tiene que ... Pero puede ser muy útil en misiones futuras.
Nuestra página de solicitud de construcción de enlaces se incluyen a continuación las imágenes.

¿Por qué construir estas? Bueno ... Usted no tiene que ... Pero puede ser muy útil en misiones futuras.
Nuestra página de solicitud de construcción de enlaces se incluyen a continuación las imágenes.
Nuevas Misiones del 12 de enero al 26 y links para pedir materiales
Time for the quests info:
Get 3 Pairs of Cool Shades (Click to Ask)
Get 3 Pairs of Board Shorts (Click to Ask)
Harvest 150 Fruit Crops (Tip: Raspberry/Straspberry - 2 Hrs Crops)
Rewards: Shivering Duck
Get 4 Bottles of Tanning Lotion (Click to Ask)
Harvest Shivering Duck one time (Tip: Zoo/Winter Pen/Aviary/Duck Pond)
Harvest 200 Corn (Crops that will work: Butter and Sugar Corns - 12 hrs; Posole Corn - 12 Hrs; Corn - 3 days)
Rewards: Summer Polar Bear
Get 5 Surfboards (Click to Ask)
Harvest Summer Polar Bear one time (Tip: Winter Pen/Zoo)
Harvest 250 Sunflowers (1 Day Crop)
Rewards: Shivering Pig (Available in Common Zoo, Livestock and Winter Pen babies via adoption from feed)
Get 6 Heat Packs (Click to Ask)
Harvest Aviary once
Harvest 400 Aloe Vera/Super Aloes (6 Hrs Crop)
Rewards: White Nurse Doe (Available in Common Zoo, Wildlife and Winter Pen babies via adoption from feed)
Get 7 Snowboarding Outfits (Click to Ask)
Harvest White Doe Nurse 2 times (Tip: Zoo/Winter Pen/Wildlife Pen)
Harvest 700 Strawberries/Super Strawberry/Straspberry (4-4-2 Hrs Crops respectively)
Rewards: Snowboarding Gear
Get 8 Snowboards (Click to Ask)
Master Shivering Duck to 1-star (18 Harvests to 1-star mastery) (Tip: Rotate in Zoo/Winter Pen/Aviary/Duck Pond)
Harvest 800 Blueberries/Super Blueberries/Chandler Blueberries/Super Chandler
Rewards: Snowboarder Kangaroo
Get 9 Pairs of Snow Shoes (Click to Ask)
Harvest Snowboard Kangaroo (Tip: Zoo/Winter Pen)
Harvest 850 Grain Crops (Tip: Oats - 8 Hrs Crops)
Rewards: Arborists
Get 10 Beanies (Click to Ask)
Harvest Summer Polar Bear 2 times (Tip: Winter Pen/Zoo)
Harvest 900 Vegetable crops (Tip: Pumpkins/Super Pumpkins/Carnival Squash - 8 Hrs Crops)
Rewards: Farmhands
Get 12 Firewood Bundles (Click to Ask)
Master Snowboard Kangaroo to 1-star (5 Harvests for 1-star mastery) (Tip: Zoo/Winter Pen)
Harvest 950 Fruit Crops (Tip: Raspberry/Straspberry - 2 Hrs Crops)
Rewards: Book of XP (Will increase your current level by +1 when used)
11 ene 2012
Misiones Winter wonderland Parte 5 y Links para pedir materiales
Estas misiones son a partir del dia 16 al 30 de enero

Quest 1: A Winter Caper
Get 3 Classified Ads (Click to ask)
Harvest 110 Snow Tulips (1 Day Crop)
Harvest Polar Train Station
Rewards: Messenger Sheep

Quest 2: A Feather-brained Scheme
Get 4 Carrier Pigeons (Click to Ask)
Harvest 120 Frozen Grapes (1 Day Crop)
Harvest Messenger Sheep 1 Time
Rewards: Noir Tree

Quest 3: Inspector Penguin
Get 4 Bowls of Soup (Click to Ask)
Harvest 130 Snow Tulips (1 Day Crop)
Craft Lollipops Twice
Rewards: Penguin Inspector Snowmobile

Quest 4: Elf and Order
Get 5 Magnifying Glasses (Click to Ask)
Harvest 140 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Noir Tree one time (Tip: Use Orchards)
Rewards: Mini Arctic Fox

Quest 5: 21 Wonderland Street
Get 6 Missing Posters (Click to Ask)
Harvest 150 Holly (16 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Mini Arctic Fox one time
Rewards: Snowball Tree

Quest 6: Ice Scene Investigation
Get 6 Testimonials (Click to Ask)
Harvest 150 Mint Candy (1 Day Crop)
Master Messenger Sheep to 1-star
Rewards: Ski Patrol Gnome

Quest 7: The Sasquatch
Get 7 Pair of Mittens (Click to Ask)
Harvest 170 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Snowball Tree one time (Tip: Use Orchards)
Rewards: Kitten With Mitten

Quest 8: To Catch a Sasquatch
Get 8 Boxes of Sasquatch Bait (Click to Ask)
Craft Rock Candy two times
Harvest Kitten with Mitten one time
Rewards: Abominable Snowman

Quest 9: To Help a Sasquatch
Get 9 Sasquatch Sized Pair of Yeti Shoes (Click to Ask)
Harvest 190 Carrotcicles (12 Hrs Crop)
Master Mini Arctic Fox to 1-star Mastery
Rewards: Inspector Penguin

Get 10 Boxes of Sasquatch Flakes (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Penguin Inspector 2 times
Rewards: Yeti Home

Quest 11: Sasquatch Care 101
Get 11 Icicle Toothpick (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Iced Rice (12 Hrs Crop)
Craft Healthy Donut Recipe 4 Times
Rewards: Beluga Whale (Deco)

Quest 12: Welcome Home
Get 12 Party Whistles (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Ginger Bread
Master Inspector Penguin to 1-star

Get 3 Classified Ads (Click to ask)
Harvest 110 Snow Tulips (1 Day Crop)
Harvest Polar Train Station
Rewards: Messenger Sheep

Quest 2: A Feather-brained Scheme
Get 4 Carrier Pigeons (Click to Ask)
Harvest 120 Frozen Grapes (1 Day Crop)
Harvest Messenger Sheep 1 Time
Rewards: Noir Tree

Quest 3: Inspector Penguin
Get 4 Bowls of Soup (Click to Ask)
Harvest 130 Snow Tulips (1 Day Crop)
Craft Lollipops Twice
Rewards: Penguin Inspector Snowmobile

Quest 4: Elf and Order
Get 5 Magnifying Glasses (Click to Ask)
Harvest 140 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Noir Tree one time (Tip: Use Orchards)
Rewards: Mini Arctic Fox

Quest 5: 21 Wonderland Street
Get 6 Missing Posters (Click to Ask)
Harvest 150 Holly (16 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Mini Arctic Fox one time
Rewards: Snowball Tree

Quest 6: Ice Scene Investigation
Get 6 Testimonials (Click to Ask)
Harvest 150 Mint Candy (1 Day Crop)
Master Messenger Sheep to 1-star
Rewards: Ski Patrol Gnome

Quest 7: The Sasquatch
Get 7 Pair of Mittens (Click to Ask)
Harvest 170 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Snowball Tree one time (Tip: Use Orchards)
Rewards: Kitten With Mitten

Quest 8: To Catch a Sasquatch
Get 8 Boxes of Sasquatch Bait (Click to Ask)
Craft Rock Candy two times
Harvest Kitten with Mitten one time
Rewards: Abominable Snowman

Quest 9: To Help a Sasquatch
Get 9 Sasquatch Sized Pair of Yeti Shoes (Click to Ask)
Harvest 190 Carrotcicles (12 Hrs Crop)
Master Mini Arctic Fox to 1-star Mastery
Rewards: Inspector Penguin

Get 10 Boxes of Sasquatch Flakes (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Iceberg Lettuce (20 Hrs Crop)
Harvest Penguin Inspector 2 times
Rewards: Yeti Home

Quest 11: Sasquatch Care 101
Get 11 Icicle Toothpick (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Iced Rice (12 Hrs Crop)
Craft Healthy Donut Recipe 4 Times
Rewards: Beluga Whale (Deco)

Quest 12: Welcome Home
Get 12 Party Whistles (Click to Ask)
Harvest 200 Ginger Bread
Master Inspector Penguin to 1-star
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