12 abr 2012

Mision An Arborist’s Adventure del 12 al 26 de abril 2012

Hola vecinos,estas misiones se pueden hacer en todas las granjas.
Quests Info:
Quest IconAlarming AcornsItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 11. Get 4 Acorns
2. Harvest 50 Pumpkin/Super Pumpkin (8 Hrs)
3. Harvest 2 Aviaries
Quest Tips:AcornsSpotted Owl

Quest IconTree TimeItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 21. Get 6 Leaves
2. Harvest 75 Wheat (12 Hrs Crop)
3. Harvest the Spotted Owl
Quest Tips:Crops: Red Wheat (3 Days) will also work… The Spotted Owl can be harvested in the Aviary…LeavesUnwither

Quest IconForever FoilageItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 31. Get 8 Bark Samples
2. Harvest 100 Squash
3. Harvest 2 Orchards
Bark SamplesBristle Pinecone Tree
Quest Tips:Crop Alternatives: (Super) Pattypan Squash(16 Hrs), Carnival Squash (8 hrs), Acorn Squash (10 Hrs), Squimpkin (Greenhouse – 16 Hrs), Squash (2 Days)Bark SamplesBristle Pinecone Tree

Quest IconSappy SaplingItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 41. Get 8 Tree Photographs
2. Harvest 120 Rhubarb (16 hrs Crop)
3. Harvest the Bristlecone Pine
Tree PhotographsYoung Sequoia Tree
Quest Tips:Remember to have ready orchards with space so that you can harvest this tree fast…Tree PhotographsYoung Sequoia Tree

Quest IconSedated SoilItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 51. Get 8 Soil Samples
2. Harvest 150 Golden Poppies (1 Day Crop)
3. Harvest The Young Sequoia
Soil Samples3 Pack of Turbos
Quest Tips:Remember to have ready orchards with space so that you can harvest this tree fast…Soil Samples3 Pack of Turbos

Quest IconSeed SearchItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 61. Get 8 Tree Seeds
2. Harvest 180 Peppers
3. Master The Spotted Owl to 1 Star (5 Harvests)
Tree Seeds
Quest Tips:Pepper Alternatives: Super Pepper (1 Day), Fire Pepper (12 Hrs), Bell Pepper (2 Days)… Use the Avairy for faster harvest of the OwlTree SeedsTree Kangaroo

Quest IconForever FertilizerItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 71. Get 9 Organic Fertilizer
2. Harvest 200 (Super)/Morning Glory (12 Hrs Crop)
3. Harvest the Tree Kangaroo Twice
Organic Fertilizer
Quest Tips:Harvest the Tree Kangaroo in the Zoo habitat…Organic FertilizerTree Sloth

Quest IconTricky TreesItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 81. Get 10 Volunteers
2. Harvest 220 (Super)/Pink Roses (2 Day Crop)
3. Harvest the Tree Sloth Twice
VolunteerBook of XP
Quest Tips:Harvest the Tree Sloth in the Zoo HabitatVolunteerBook of XP

Quest IconMessy MulchItem to AskReward
An Arborists Adventure Quest 91. Get 12 Bags of Mulch
2. Harvest 250 Grapes
3. Master the Tree Kangaroo (5 Harvests)
Bags of MulchBasket Tree
Quest Tips:Grape Alternatives: Grape (1 Day), Frozen Grapes (1 Day), White Grapes (12 Hrs), Super Grapes (1 Day)… Use the Zoo for faster harvesting of the Kangaroo…Bags of MulchBasket Tree


¡Recomienda ADF!