7 jun 2012

Mision Father’s Day Del 7 al 21 de Junio

Estas misiones se pueden hacer en todas las granjas del dia 7 al 21 de junio
Quests Info:
Quest IconThe Gift of SleepItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 11. Get 4 Recliners
2. Harvest 50 Blueberry
3. Harvest the Pet Run Two Times
ReclinersBear Recliner
Quest Tips:To be added soon…ReclinersBear Recliner

Quest IconGone Fishin’Item to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 21. Get 6 Fishing Poles
2. Harvest 75 Aloe Vera
3. Craft 1 Fertilize All
Fishing PolesFishin’ Horse
Quest Tips:To be added soon…Fishing PolesFishin’ Horse

Quest IconNew MathItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 31. Get 8 New Calculators
2. Harvest 100 Pineapple
3. Harvest the Fishin' Horse 1 Time
New Calculatorconsume_xpbook
Quest Tips:To be added soon…New CalculatorBook of XP

Quest IconStar GazersItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 41. Get 9 New Telescopes
2. Harvest 125 Pattypan Squash
3. Craft an Arborist
New TelescopeAstronomer Sloth
Quest Tips:To be added soon…New TelescopeAstronomer Sloth

Quest IconKindness Is CatchyItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 51. Get 9 New Mitts
2. Harvest 150 Sunflowers
3. Master the Fishin' Horse 1 Star
New MittsBaseball Boobie
Quest Tips:To be added soon…New MittsBaseball Boobie

Quest IconPassing GasItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 61. Get 9 Gas Cards
2. Harvest 150 Grape
3. Harvest the Astronomer Sloth 1 Time
Gas Cards2x Unwithers
Quest Tips:To be added soon…Gas CardsUnwither

Quest IconTickets to ParadiseItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 71. Get 10 Football Tickets
2. Harvest 150 Peanut
3. Harvest the Baseball Boobie 1 Time
Football TicketFather and Son Duck
Quest Tips:To be added soon…Football TicketFather and Son Duck

Quest IconI’ll Fly AwayItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 81. Get 11 Plane Tickets
2. Harvest 150 Soybean
3. Craft 1 Farmhands
Plane TicketsMystery Game Dart
Quest Tips:To be added soon…Plane Tickets3x Mystery Game Dart

Quest IconHugs for DadItem to AskReward
Father's Day Quest 91. Get 12 Hugs for Dad
2. Harvest 150 Bell Pepper
3. Master the Baseball Boobie to 1 Star
Hugs for DadBear Hug
Quest Tips:To be added soon…Hugs for DadBear Hug (Deco)

Read more: http://www.fvlegends.com/2012/06/farmville-legends-fathers-day-quests.html#ixzz1x8XEOHzm


¡Recomienda ADF!